Prototypes and Tools
Listed below are implementations of various prototypes and tools around TextTransfer that were developed during the project to support the main project.
ProposalPilot is a web application designed to streamline the process of creating project proposals. With ProposalPilot, users can easily enter details about their project into predefined form fields. The data entered is then automatically displayed in structured JSON format and can be converted and downloaded in various other formats, such as HTML, PDF, and XML. In the future, this should not only ease the tedious formatting process of proposal creation, but also assist institutions in the uniform storage and custody of project proposals. The version presented here is an initial working prototype from spring 2023.
Umfragewissen is a web application for easy survey creation. It was developed specifically for TextTransfer to meet the specific data collection requirements for the project and to facilitate it in the future. In addition to the basic functionalities, such as the creation and revision of surveys or the automatic generation of links to invite potential participants, the application also provides tracking capabilities to record the exact time spent by each participant. Survey results can be downloaded as CSV files. A first executable version was released at the beginning of 2022.
TrenDTF Search
The prototype TrenDTF Search is a direct result of TrenDTF, a BMBF-funded joint project of TIB with Fraunhofer ISI and Fraunhofer IML (project duration: 01.10.2019 to 30.09.2022). With 69,961 reports, the prototype covers a large, albeit incomplete, collection of German research reports. TrenDTF Search uses advanced algorithms (including named entity recognition, topic modeling, topic classification, full text search, etc.) and query and data weighting techniques to provide the most relevant results for the query. Searches can be refined with various filters such as language, publication year, publisher, and subject. For more information on the project, click here: operating instructions and acknowledgements, blog post.